Thursday, September 2, 2010


Hey guys, how's everyone doing?

The ESCC Walkathon was a success! Thank you to everyone who participated, and I hope you enjoyed yourselves because I certainly did. Not only did I enjoy myself, I burned some calories too. And it's all for a good cause! :) Photos can be found HERE and HERE.

I am very excited because school holidays are just around the corner! But I know the Form 3s and Form 5s won't be enjoying their holidays because they have to revise and study. But it's okay, at least you guys get a break from school, right? So, study hard but also remember to take some time off for play too. Please don't stress yourselves XD

Besides that, the Church anniversary is just around the corner too!! We are going to celebrate our church's 25th anniversary on September 19. Mark that down on your calendars! It will be a combined worship service too :)

We, are to perform during the church anniversary! Yes, people, we are going to perform a beautiful song called "The Voice of Hope". I embedded the song below:

As Tim said, there will be some who will play the instruments, some who will sing etc... we'll figure that out soon.
So, come for practice this Saturday, 4th of September at 1.30 (note the time change)! We need all the youths we can get.

Okay, this is the end of my post. Wishing everyone a good weekend! Happy Holidays!

Carmen Chan.